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Autigender is a neurogender which can only be understood in the context of being autistic, or when one's autism greatly affects one's gender and/or how one experiences gender. Autigender is not autism as a gender, but rather describes an experience of gender that is so heavily influenced by being autistic that one's autistic identity and one's experience of gender cannot be unlinked.

One's gender can be influenced by one's autism in many ways. Since gender is a social construct created by allistics/neurotypicals, and social constructs are one thing that autistic individuals generally understand/interpret differently, there are many individuals who may feel like being autistic influences their experience, perception, or understanding of gender. There are many studies that show that autistic individuals are more likely to be transgender. Autistic individuals may also face unique challenges in coming out and transitioning. Autigender is a way to express this and to find others with similar gender experiences.

Not all autistic individuals identify as autigender, only those whose gender is influenced by them being autistic.


The term autigender was coined on or before the 25th August 2014. The Autigender Pride Flag features, from top to bottom, purple, cyan, lime green, orange, and light red stripes, and an infinity symbol that fades horizontally from purple to pink. This flag was created by Tumblr user nbmahoushoujo.



Disclaimer: Terms and labels within the community are largely adopted through self-identification, and their definition may not be agreed upon by all who identify with them. Descriptions provided here are an informal overview and are for informational purposes only. We cannot be held responsible for the contents or accuracy of any pages referenced by external links.

Autigender Pride Flag buttons and magnets

PrijsVanaf £2,50
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