Aporagender is a non-binary gender, or group of genders, defined as being separate from male, female, and anything in between, while still being a strong and specific gendered feeling. Aporagender individuals are not a combination of binary genders (unlike androgyne individuals), yet still have a strong gendered feeling (unlike agender individuals).
Aporagender can be used as an umbrella term or as a gender on its own. It may sometimes be a synonym of neutrois, depending on the definition of neutrois used. It is very similar to abinary, and all aporagenders are inherently abinary, however aporagenders are also very commonly atrinary (but do not have to be). Maverique is a well-known example of an aporagender.
The Aporagender Pride Flag was designed by Hyaenahart on the Aprogender blog. The colour meanings are as follows: Blue and pink, representing maleness and femaleness, have been put on either end of the flag to show that this gender is separate from them. Purple represents feeling in between male and female, and possibly represents the spectrum of aprogender identities. Yellow represents how the gender is nothing like being female, male or both. It is placed close enough to blue, purple and pink to show that it’s still connected strongly to some sort of gender. It also represents how it’s a non-binary identity.
Disclaimer: Terms and labels within the community are largely adopted through self-identification, and their definition may not be agreed upon by all who identify with them. Descriptions provided here are an informal overview and are for informational purposes only. We cannot be held responsible for the contents or accuracy of any pages referenced by external links.
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