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Maverique is a non-binary gender that is defined as being completely independent from male, female, masculine, feminine, neutral, xenic or anything in between or derived from any of them. It is also not a lack of gender. It is characterized by autonomy and inner conviction regarding a sense of gender which is unorthodox, unconventional and entirely independent of conventional concepts of gender. Despite this maveriques have a distinct and firm sense of gender.

Maveriques can be multigender, with their other genders being related to maleness, femaleness, or neutrality.

Maverique is similar, but not the same as aporagender, with the difference being that aporagender can be used as an umbrella term that can potentially encompass many genders, with some of those genders being neutrois, whereas maverique is a single, specific gender. It was said before here, some aporagenders may be connected to neutrality, while maverique is not connected to neutrality at all.


The Maverique Pride Flag was designed by Vesper H. on their Tumblr blog Queer as Cat and released on June 15 2014. The colours mean the following: Yellow, meaning primary gender, as yellow is a primary colour, meaning entirely independent from the other primary colours, like how maverique is completely separate from masculinity and femininity. Yellow is also often associated with non-binary gender. White represents autonomy and independence, both from the gender binary and from the spectrum of colours. White is the blank gender slate upon which maverique is based. Orange represents a burning inner conviction, and the unorthodox and individualistic nature of mavericks.



Disclaimer: Terms and labels within the community are largely adopted through self-identification, and their definition may not be agreed upon by all who identify with them. Descriptions provided here are an informal overview and are for informational purposes only. We cannot be held responsible for the contents or accuracy of any pages referenced by external links.

Maverique Pride Flag buttons and magnets

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