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Gender Creative or Gender Expansive is a term for when one's conception of their gender, or gender in general, intrinsically differs from the prevailing social norms. In particular, it is commonly used for when a child or teenager rejects gender norms and stereotypical expression, commonly seen in children who are raised without a prescribed gender (known as "gender creative parenting").


The Gender Creative Pride Flag was created by Leslie Krause on July 19, 2015. Lavender represents the blurring of binary gender norms. While white represents freedom of gender expression.



Disclaimer: Terms and labels within the community are largely adopted through self-identification, and their definition may not be agreed upon by all who identify with them. Descriptions provided here are an informal overview and are for informational purposes only. We cannot be held responsible for the contents or accuracy of any pages referenced by external links.

Gender Creative Pride Flag buttons and magnets

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