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Demisexual is a sexual orientation on the asexual spectrum defined as someone who does not experience sexual attraction until they have formed a deep emotional connection with someone. The connection can be romantic, platonic, or some other form of connection. What counts as a "close connection" can vary between demisexuals. Forming an emotional bond with someone does not mean that one is automatically attracted to said individual, as it just means there's now a possibility for one to feel attraction. Demisexuals are incapable of feeling sexual attraction unless a close relationship is established, though they may still engage in sexual activity with the assumption that attraction will develop at some point.


It is unknown when the Demisexual Pride Flag was created or by who, but it was presumably created after the asexual flag was created in 2010, as its use the same colours, which were based off the AVEN logo. In both the asexual and demisexual flags black and represents a lack of sexual attraction, and purple represents the ace-spec community. The grey represents greysexual, which demisexuality is included under. On the demisexual flag white represents sexual attraction.



Disclaimer: Terms and labels within the community are largely adopted through self-identification, and their definition may not be agreed upon by all who identify with them. Descriptions provided here are an informal overview and are for informational purposes only. We cannot be held responsible for the contents or accuracy of any pages referenced by external links.

Demisexual Pride Flag buttons and magnets

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